
Home Remedies

 5 Home Remedies  Aloe Vera Aloe Vera is a very popular plan for its various properties. It can be used in creams to hydrate and care for the skin, but it is also known for its digestive action that promotes intestinat transit.  It is very effective in treating acne problems as it allows the tissues to regenerate from the inside out, absorbing excess fat.  Allows to rejuvenate the hair follicles that are responsible for preventing baldness or alopecia.  ICE Place the ice on a hendkerchief and then gently massage the entire face in a circular motion to deflate the skin. The ice in addition to hydrating and rejuvenating, will give that special shine to the skin nd will give it a soft touch.  The ice will turn your belly fat into fat that you can easily burn.  Putting an ice pack on the head or the back of the neck helps reduce headache.  Apple  The apple contributes to dental cleaning, thanks to the fact that it contains malic acid that helps to whiten the enamel.  Taking an apple with t

Health problems and solutions

  Health problems and solutions I can't sleep - Drink a glass of warm milk  one hour before going to sleep.  - Mix mashed banana with cumin powder. Do it after dinner to help you relax.  I have a headache  - Listen to doothing sounds, even music or recorded sounds of nature.  -Exercise regularly to promote good circulation. I have the hiccups -Tighten your ears.  - Hold the breath.  My feet hurt  -Apply ice to your feet. -Massage your feet every day with a small amount of moisturizer.  I have dry skin  -Apply coconut oil on the skin. -Apply aloe vera gel directly to the skin and coner the affected area with a cloth.  I have mosquito biles  Apply an ice pack to the area immeditely  Apply honey to the bites.  I have a stomachache  -Drink chamomile tea. -Drink aloe juice  My Muscles are sore  -Drink arnica tea  - Carry out a salt bath  I have a sore throat  -Gargling with salt water.  -Suck a pill  I have a cough  -Take a steam bath. -Drink syrups containing honey. I'm stressed ou

It's a really nice city.

It's a really nice city  1.What's Seoul like? Is it an interesting place?  Yes,it has amazing shpping, and the people are pretty friendly. 2. Do you like your hometown? Why or why not? Not really. It's too small, and it's really boring. That's why I moved away. 3. What's Sydney like? I've never been there. oh, really? it's beautiful and very clean. It has a great harbor and beautiful  beaches.  4. Have you ever been to Sao Paulo? Yes, I have. It's an extremely large and crowded place, but I love it. It has excellent restaurants. 5. What's theweather like in chicago? It's really nice in the summer, but it's too cold for me in the winter.


 Survey : How many times havee you? Interview to: Anahi  I. Rebollo. 1.watched  a really  good movies or TV show in the last twomonths? she's whatched a really good movie 3 times. (2 pints) 2.Listened to your favorite kind of music in the last week? she's listened to her favorite kind of music in the last week 7 times (4 points) 3. Talked  to your favorite kind of  music in the last week? she's talked to her favorite kind of music in the last week 7 times (4 points)  4. Read something interesting that wasn't  for work or school in the last month? she's read something interesting that wan't for work or schhol in the last month 3 times (2 points) 5. Eaten your favorite foods in the last three weeks? she's eaten to her favorite foods in the last three weeks 4 times (3 points) 6. Had a really fun weekend in the last three months? she's had a really fun weekend in the last three months  times (3 points) 7. Spent at least one hour doing something you like in t

Juegos de Ingenio

Juegos de ingenio Jonh Katzenbach Este libro trata de dos hijos que pierden a su padre a temprana edad por separación de sus padres pero su madre nunca les dice los motivos de porque deja a su esposo. Uno de los hijos es una mujer llamada Susana Clayton que escribe acertijos para una revista, y el otro hijo Jeffrey Clayton, un profesor de Psicología Anormal en una Universidad. Susana vive con su mamá que está muy enferma, en un lugar alejado de la cuidad, un día recibe un mensaje anónimo en forma de acertijo que dice “Yo te he encontrado a ti”, le platica a su mama y ella está segura que es su ex esposo, del que huyo años atrás. Por otra parte Jeffrey es visitado por un agente y le pide ayuda para buscar a un peligroso asesino de una cuidad privada donde su meta principal en cero delincuencia y si saben del asesino se tendrán problemas económicos y políticos, el profesor acepta el caso por una razón en especial, todo parece indicar que el asesino es su padre. Jeffrey acompaña al

El Pan de la Guerra

El Pan de la Guerra  Deborah Ellis  El pan de la guerra fue escrito por Deborah Ellis, canadiense, la autora   ha sido una activista social comprometida con la lucha por la justicia económica, los movimientos pacifistas y los derechos de la mujer. La historia va de una pequeña niña llamada Parvana, la cual a su escasa edad de once años vive día a día el contexto de   Kabul, la capital de Afganistán, durante la época del gobierno de los talibanes. El padre de Parvana solía ser maestro de historia y su madre escritora y locutora de radio, pero debido a la guerra ambos tuvieron que dejar sus empleos, es así como el padre de Parvana consigue el sustento para su familia leyendo y escribiendo cartas en una mercado de la ciudad. Durante el régimen talibán, las mujeres no podían salir solas a la calle, es por eso que debido a la situación oprimida de la mujer en Kabul, y tras la detención del padre de Parvana, la pequeña se ve obligada a trabajar para su familia, pero no podría hacerlo sie